Extreme Unction, by Rogier van der Weyden
Anointing of the Sick
If you or parishioner you know is seriously ill or in the hospital, please inform us so that a priest can visit and anoint him or her. Call the church office at 202-554-7863, or email [email protected].
Holy Communion to the Homebound
Parishioners who are homebound are urged to contact the parish office in order to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought to you, weekly by a lay person, and monthly by a priest, deacon, or brother. Call the church office at 202-554-7863, or email [email protected].
If you or parishioner you know is seriously ill or in the hospital, please inform us so that a priest can visit and anoint him or her. Call the church office at 202-554-7863, or email [email protected].
Holy Communion to the Homebound
Parishioners who are homebound are urged to contact the parish office in order to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought to you, weekly by a lay person, and monthly by a priest, deacon, or brother. Call the church office at 202-554-7863, or email [email protected].