Mass Intentions
For centuries, Catholics have expressed sympathy, care, and support by requesting the celebration of Holy Mass for a particular intention, such as in suffrage for the dead; in intercession for the sick; for a person celebrating a birthday or anniversary; or in thanksgiving for graces received.
The donation requested for each intention supports the daily life of the Dominican Friars community at St. Dominic's. Through this sacrificial offering, the requestor associates himself/herself more intimately with the self-offering of Christ and receives grace. (See Pope St. Paul VI's letter Firma in Traditione on June 13, 1974.)
The donation requested for each intention supports the daily life of the Dominican Friars community at St. Dominic's. Through this sacrificial offering, the requestor associates himself/herself more intimately with the self-offering of Christ and receives grace. (See Pope St. Paul VI's letter Firma in Traditione on June 13, 1974.)
Publicly Celebrated Mass (Announced Mass)
These Masses are celebrated in the parish church at the regular Mass times. The calendar of available dates is available online or through the parish office at (202) 554-7863 or by emailing [email protected] .
Privately Celebrated Mass (Unannounced Mass)
These requested Masses are celebrated by the Dominican priests living in the priory at St. Dominic's who celebrate Mass every day. They are celebrated in the order received. Lists of intentions are best celebrated in this manner and are usually fulfilled relatively quickly. Request these Masses only through the parish office at (202) 554-7863 or by emailing [email protected] .
Gregorian Masses (Unannounced Mass)
This is a series of 30 Masses offered in daily succession in suffrage for the dead. Request these Masses only through the parish office .at (202) 554-7863 or by emailing [email protected] .