Click image below for more information.
21 Pipes Still Available.
Conceptual Design of New Stencilling
Previous Design of Stenciling
Restoring the Beauty of the Roosevelt Organ
with Stenciling of the remaining
21 Facade Pipes
with Stenciling of the remaining
21 Facade Pipes
Limited Sponsorship
Music Director
Join us for Coffee & Donuts
after the 10:30 Mass
In the Parish Meeting Room
after the 10:30 Mass
In the Parish Meeting Room
We will be collecting your donations
of practical baby items, like diapers, wipes and formula for the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center at each Mass this weekend.
Place your items in front of the pulpit
at the front of the church.
Thank you for showing support for those
families that have chosen life.
of practical baby items, like diapers, wipes and formula for the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center at each Mass this weekend.
Place your items in front of the pulpit
at the front of the church.
Thank you for showing support for those
families that have chosen life.
We will be collecting your donations
for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
this weekend at each Mass.
Please make sure your items are unopened
and have not expired.
Place your items by the ambo at the
front of the church.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Food items collected will be distributed to our neighbors in the Southwest and Southeast communities.
for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry
this weekend at each Mass.
Please make sure your items are unopened
and have not expired.
Place your items by the ambo at the
front of the church.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Food items collected will be distributed to our neighbors in the Southwest and Southeast communities.
St. Vincent de Paul
Food Pantry Collection
Food Pantry Collection
Second Collection:
Maintenance & Capital Repair Fund Collection
at all Masses this weekend.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. —Hebrews 13:8
Christ yesterday and today, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega: All time belongs to Him and all ages. To Him be glory and power through every age and forever. Amen. —Easter Vigil (prayer accompanying the inscription of the Paschal Candle)
Christ yesterday and today, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega: All time belongs to Him and all ages. To Him be glory and power through every age and forever. Amen. —Easter Vigil (prayer accompanying the inscription of the Paschal Candle)
You can click on the following link in order to access the parish calendar:
Step 2: RCIA
A Recently Made Historical Image Commercial for St. Dominic's
R.C.I.A., which stands for "Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults," is the process whereby someone becomes a Catholic Christian. It involves weekly instructional classes with others from September to May. It is for (1) those who are not yet baptized, (2) those who are already baptized and Christian but are desirous of embracing the fullness of Christianity in the Catholic Faith, and (3) Catholics who, for whatever reasons, never received Confirmation and/or Holy Communion. RCIA, therefore, is a journey into a relationship with God through Christ, an embracing of all God wants to teach and give you, a guided entrance into the Catholic Church, and a prepared reception of God's grace in the Sacraments. See the following orientation document for more information:
The whole RCIA Course/Binder with all four sections can be accessed in one file here:
Course / Binder handouts can be accessed here, divided into the 4 parts of the Catholic Faith, Belief, Worship, Life, and Prayer:
6:30pm - Parish Meeting Room
St. Dominic Church begins its Rite of Christian Initiation
for Adults (RCIA) class.
RCIA is for those individuals:
for Adults (RCIA) class.
RCIA is for those individuals:
- Not yet baptized
- Baptized and Christian and are interested in becoming Catholic
- Catholic, but for whatever reason(s), never received Confirmation and/or Holy Communion
Those interested should join us this evening at 7pm in the Parish Meeting Room.
For more information or to register in advance, please call the Parish Office at (202) 554-7863
or send us an email by clicking the button below:
For more information or to register in advance, please call the Parish Office at (202) 554-7863
or send us an email by clicking the button below:
St. Dominic's Religious Movie Seminar
Mass Times:
- 5pm Saturday (Vigil)
- 8am
- 10:30am
- 5pm
Today's Readings:
- 1st Reading: Baruch 5:1-9
- Psalm: 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6
- 2nd Reading: Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11
- Gospel: Luke 3:1-6
Join us after the 10:30am Mass for our Donut Social
in the Parish Meeting Room.
in the Parish Meeting Room.
St. Dominic's SOME meal will be provided Saturday, April 30th. We need volunteers to prepare meat loaves and macaroni & cheese for the meal. You'll find the sign-up sheets, baking pans and recipes in the main vestibule of the church beginning Saturday, April 2nd.
Deliver prepared items to St. Dominic's Priory by 9:30am this day. You may freeze the meat loaves and macaroni & cheese and drop it off early. But PLEASE do not freeze it if you drop the items off after 12Noon the Thursday before the meal or the item(s) will not thaw in time.
We thank you for your donations!
St. Dominic Church provides meals to SOME each month with a 5th Saturday.
Deliver prepared items to St. Dominic's Priory by 9:30am this day. You may freeze the meat loaves and macaroni & cheese and drop it off early. But PLEASE do not freeze it if you drop the items off after 12Noon the Thursday before the meal or the item(s) will not thaw in time.
We thank you for your donations!
St. Dominic Church provides meals to SOME each month with a 5th Saturday.
(So Others Might Eat)
St. Dominic's Religious Movie Seminar
6:30pm - Parish Meeting Room
St. Dominic's Religious Movie Seminar
Week 21
"St. Vincent"
Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy & Naomi Watts
Released in 2014 and runs 102 minutes
plus 20 minutes of
"Bill Murray is St. Vincent: The Patron Saint of Comedy"
"St. Vincent"
Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy & Naomi Watts
Released in 2014 and runs 102 minutes
plus 20 minutes of
"Bill Murray is St. Vincent: The Patron Saint of Comedy"
6:30pm - Parish Meeting Room
Volunteers Welcome
to Help Clean the Church
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
For more information,
contact the parish office at (202) 554-7863
or email [email protected]
to Help Clean the Church
9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
For more information,
contact the parish office at (202) 554-7863
or email [email protected]
Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center
Donation Collection